IN VENDITA trama 407 m2


trama 407 m2

ID: #33032 - Chalkidiki, Stagiron - Akanthou: FOR SALE plane plot 407sqm corner with a Coefficient Building of 0.36855036855036855, Buildable area 150sqm and can build up to 150sqm. It is located in a residential area and its zoning is residentialIt is located only 500m away from the sea. The asking price is 65.000€.

ID: #33032 - Chalkidiki, Stagiron - Akanthou: FOR SALE plane plot 407sqm corner with a Coefficient Building of 0.36855036855036855, Buildable area 150sqm and can build up to 150sqm. It is located in a residential area and its zoning is residentialIt is located only 500m away from the sea. The asking price is 65.000€. Follow us on TikTok @Anyhomegr to stay updated on all our properties! Please note that the address listed is not the actual one. If you are interested in a property, make sure to note its code and contact our responsible agent for that specific listing: Alexandros Roupas Phone: 2316007921 Mobile (Viber): 6980000112 Alternatively, you can fill out the contact form, and we will reach out to you shortly. Don't forget to mention the property code for faster assistance. To view the property, it is necessary to present an ID or Tax Identification Number (TIN). If we do not have the property that meets your needs today, please submit a request via email, and we will notify you as soon as we have something suitable. For quicker communication, please complete the interest application within each property listing, and our office will call you to schedule an appointment.

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