ID: #60642 - Thessaloniki, Basilika: FOR SALE inclining plot 507sqm facade with a Coefficient Building of 0.8, Buildable area 406sqm and can build up to 406sqm. . The asking price is 70.000€.
ID: #60642 - Thessaloniki, Basilika: FOR SALE inclining plot 507sqm facade with a Coefficient Building of 0.8, Buildable area 406sqm and can build up to 406sqm. . The asking price is 70.000€. The listed address is not the real. If you are interested in the property, please note the property code and contact directly with us for the specific ad. Roupas Alexandros tel. 2316007921 and 6980000112 (on Viber) or fill the contact form and we will contact with you. Do not forget the property code for faster service. In order to indicate the property, it is necessary to present an ID or a TIN (Taxpayer Identification Number). If we do not currently have the property that meets your needs, register a request by e-mail and you will be informed immediately, as soon as we upload new properties. ***For faster communication fill in the ''application of interest'' in each property and the secretariat will call you for an appointment. Anyhome is looking for a seller Offer from our company : free loan pre-approval You can always ask us for more information.
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