Business for sale in Center of Thessaloniki - Center for 79.999€ (Listing No 41557). Another property brought to you by Anyhome. Located in the administrative area of Center, region of Thessaloniki - Center, this property is now available for sale. This business is sized about 120sqm.
Other features that the property enjoy, include: .
The asking price is 79.999€. For avoiding inconvenience, please use the following reference number when contacting us referring to the above property: Listing No = 41557.
Business for sale in Center of Thessaloniki - Center for 79.999€ (Listing No 41557). Another property brought to you by Anyhome. Located in the administrative area of Center, region of Thessaloniki - Center, this property is now available for sale. This business is sized about 120sm.
Other features that the property enjoy, include: .
The asking price is 79.999€. For avoiding inconvenience, please use the following reference number when contacting us referring to the above property: Listing No = 41557. You can also use that to search for the property at the website
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